Whole-body wellness for your best friend.


My Mission

It is an honor to be welcomed into an animal's life to become part of their care team. My mission is to help improve your animal's overall wellness, comfort, and quality of life using a variety of massage and bodywork techniques, as well as providing guidance on ways you can help your animal feel comfortable and confident at home with simple accommodations.



Massage therapy is a type of manual bodywork that uses gentle, noninvasive techniques to support the body's natural systems. The same research-supported benefits of massage therapy for humans, such as relaxation and pain relief, also apply to our animal companions.


swedish massage

The massage strokes most commonly employed in human massage therapy today were developed in the mid-1800's with wide-ranging benefits for the body. Swedish massage techniques are easily translated to our non-human counterparts with their accompanying benefits.


manual lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system is a vital component of the immune system. Lymph fluid is carried throughout the body through lymphatic passages that drain to the heart. Unlike blood being pumped through the body by the heart, lymph fluid relies only on movement of surrounding tissues and muscles to keep moving. Manual lymphatic drainage utilizes specific gentle strokes to help support this process.

manual ligament therapy

Ligaments connect bones to other bones, providing guidance and support for joints as they move the body. They also communicate directly with surrounding muscles to provide stabilization of joints after injury or during chronic stress. Manual Ligament Therapy can be used to interrupt maladaptive tension in the muscles around joints that have been previously injured or stressed.




Gift Cards Available

Give the gift of a refreshing massage to someone you love. A relaxing in-home massage provides gentle support for the body and mind of any dog.

Veterinary Approval

Current Texas state law regarding complementary therapies, such as animal massage and bodywork, requires approval from the animal's veterinarian. This ensures that the animal's veterinarian has determined that massage is suitable and safe given the animal's current health.  This also allows for ease of communication between massage practitioner and veterinarian, which is especially important for animals whose health or condition may change often. Click below to download the form or contact me for a DocuSign version to be completed online.